Debts that are wiped out in bankruptcy
Credit card balances
Car loans (In most cases you will have to give up the car, though)
Loans on boats, motorcycles, ATV’s RV’s, but you will have to give up the collateral
Mortgage loans, but you will probably have to give up the property
Money owed on leases, but you will have to give up the leased property
Medical bills
Overdue rent
Utility bills
Personal loans
Bank and finance company loans
Payday loans
Mortgage loans on a house or other real estate, but in most cases, you will have to give up the property if you aren't going to make the payments on the property
Debts you owe because of negligent injury you caused to someone may be wiped out. Please call Attorney Bates at 330-339-0000 to discuss any debts like this.
Debts that are not wiped out in bankruptcy
Unpaid child support
Unpaid spousal support
Some personal and business taxes cannot be wiped out. This can be complicated. Call Attorney Bates, at 330-339-0000, to discuss at no charge.
DUI and other fines for criminal offenses
Debts you owe because of intentional injury you caused to someone probably will not be wiped out if that person objects. Please call Attorney Bates to discuss any debts like this you have.
Damages you owe because of a crime you committed such as embezzlement cannot be wiped out.
Marital property settlement debts are not wiped out in chapter 7 but may be wiped out in Chapter 13. Please call Attorney Bates, 330-339-0000, to discuss any debts like this at no charge.
Student loans are usually not wiped out, but if it would be unlikely you could ever pay them back because of extreme hardship, it is possible to wipe them out but a special lawsuit must be filed and won. Please call Attorney Bates at 330-339-0000 to discuss this at no charge.